Saturday, June 13, 2009


When I looked up tonight,

The tinkling stars,

And the shining moon,

Made me wonder,

Why do we reside,

So down below?

They had told me the reason,

And the logic it contained,

But I argued with the logic,

And annihilated the reason,

Just, made a flight,

Ignoring the treason!

They are calling out to me,

To get me back down,

To make me do things,

I never would have done,

To get back to work,

Should I give up my dream?

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Death! First of all I would like to clear the meaning of death. It is referred to as an act of dying which signifies ‘to stop living’. There are two main mythologies associated with death. One suggests that after death soul renounces the body and according to your good or bad karma the soul is granted a place in heaven or hell respectively. Here karma refers to the deeds committed during the lifetime.

The second one is based on the myth of cycle of life and death. According to it once you complete your share of good karma and attain the feat of eternal knowledge the soul is freed from the cycle of life and death. There is no clear mention however that what happens to soul. An extension which merges both the theories is that the hell signifies earth where we are engaged in unethical worldly pleasures and sins. Ironically, is no concrete proof till date about what actually happens after death or it’s consequences etc.

And life! It is referred to as a state where activity takes place i.e. actions can be carried out independently (in a broad sense). We all know about life as it is. Therefore, I take the liberty of not explaining it much.

Now after briefly explaining about life and death I start my discussion about life and death relative to each other. It is a fact that everyone loves life. Everyone wants to live on forever. We treasure life as the most valuable thing. A thing which has no equal. On the contrary we fear death. We fear that someday it will take possession of us. Death ‘as we know’ begins where life ends.

But to think of it what exists before we exist i.e. life exists? Can we call it death too? In my opinion we can! Death is after all defined as to cease to exist which implies no existence at all or to be extinct. This exactly is the case before we take birth. It is only after we take birth that we make an identity, we start to live.

Concerning this the first argument which comes to mind is that after death we leave back an identity of a person. But won’t it also be destroyed with time? How many generations will remember you as a person? The next argument that comes up is about history. “That we do remember about ancient times. It is all there in historical records”. The first correction I would like to make is that we KNOW about ancient times through historical records and not remember them. Also let me remind you that there are predictions that so and so person will come and do such and such things. But there is no way to find the truth unless we witness it ourselves. Same goes with history. If we talk about historical records then as for today if I write a historical record full of lies and bury it somewhere deep. Let us assume it is found after about 1000 years. At that time no-one would know truth about our time. They will just see my record as a magnificent discovery. What I want to make clear is that the historical records we discovered were written under the rule of a certain king so it is natural that it will contain his deeds of valor and bravery. And it is not that all of the historical records coalesce. There are still many points unclear. We cannot even know the true name of the person concerned with these records!

Therefore, before life death exists and after it too death exists. It just implies that life is discontinuity of death and not the other way round. And moreover it is just a single discontinuity. The argument that comes up here is about soul. Soul is the supernatural element that resides within the body, therefore, we can’t argue much about it. But the argument brought up is that a soul may take birth again and again. On this account life is not mere discontinuity of death. But they fail to realize that death is concerned with a single individual. Since that individual lived death is also defined for him. As for soul it is immortal. It just changes it’s place of residing from one body to another giving birth to a new individual for whom death will be another independent event. Therefore, it is immaterial to connect death with soul. Death means to cease to exist while soul is an immortal entity.

Now after this discussion of life relative to death I hope I was able to convince you that before life death exits. And therefore, as death prevails for longer time than life, why do we see death as absence of life and not the other way round? For instance, try to plot a curve of death versus time. Life on this curve would occur as a point where curve would cease to exist. So would it not be fair to define life in terms of death and not the other way round. ‘Since there was death there will be life too not that there is life so there will be death too’. In a nutshell life should be defined as ‘to cease to be dead’!

Secondly, I think the fear of death is immaterial. Everything that possesses life fears death for reasons unknown. We do not possess the slightest idea of the after-effects of death, although I agree that it is a balance that could shift to either side but still is there really a want to fear it? I would like to place an argument here. We are all familiar with one of the most basic laws of science: “Anything has maximum stability in it’s initial and final state, it is the transition state which in not stable.” Applying this basic law to life and death, life is the transition state so it has to be less stable than death. And I guess we would agree on the fact that peace is hard found in life!

I would like to conclude by saying that, though unknown to us, we have made an impression of death, seeing the ‘materialistic’ bodies decaying and being burned to ashes after death, though we forget that those ashes and decay matter provide the most essential nutrients to the plant kingdom which we ourselves worship as ‘Mother Nature’. I request you to annihilate this vision and unveil the greater horizon that lies beyond this veil of pessimism!

I hope I gave you some food for thought!

NOTE : This article considers only the Indian mythologies associated with death, which in any case dont hold much importance!

Sunday, April 27, 2008


In mist of night she stood,

Very essence spelling beauty,

Owing to moonlight,

Her body shone,

Like a diamond,

Amidst the orb of darkness,

Her presence, illuminating,

Even the darkest of hour,

Radiating colors of joy,

As does the sun,

Upon kissing the sea,

Her elegance, exquisite,

Snatching monotony,

Bestowing an aura of hope,

Synonymous to umbrageous clouds,

In the calescent summer,

Such was the magnificence,

Possessed within her,

Upon leaving, behind,

Left a memory,

Worth cherishing!

Sunday, September 16, 2007


From love to hatred,
It’s not a long path,
All it takes is an angel’s wrath,
To make a jump where hatred lasts,

The opposites reside on either bank,
Of a river that knows no end,
But when the path is pursued by thee,
The river too listens to the worthy plea,

It contracts, shrinks,
And the banks are close,
The jump is made,
And something broke,

The bones are intact,
And hard is the fact,
The heart unknown,
Bore the impact,

Once upon the other sand,
It expands again and knows no end,
Now, hail to all, it’s end of the path,
“Destination hatred” through an angel’s wrath!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


The wind is blowing soft and slow,
And I can hear the river flow,
The birds too are chirruping low,
The sun sets with an orange glow,

I think of life and it’s where about,
Then I’m struck with a single doubt,
What is this death all about,
The wonderful experience in and out,

Life is a state of ecstacy,
But death too is a fantasy,
Of all the places where life resides,
Death’s surely found by it’s side,

Life is seen as a bliss of joy,
But think of peace death will deploy,
Of all the years of living futile,
Death is found at the end of pile,

Life is told as best of pearls,
And death is just it’s painful swirl,
Of all the long years we shield,
Death is the final price to yield.

Saturday, August 11, 2007


The rains have come and yet again,
Distances between us have found no end,
I wonder how long will they remain,
But till they do will give me pain.

What a beautiful Sunday morning that was,
When I first looked at you and had to pause,
So beautiful and radiant you were looking to me,
My first love? Yes it had to be.

The wind that blew made your hair flutter,
It was then I was forced to utter,
Yeah she’s the one I’m looking for,
But what to do it’s neither and nor.

Then the gift of friendship came,
And I was one who took the blame,
For my heart that was going to cleave,
Since I was the one taking leave.

And then when I was far away,
From time to time I used to sway,
To the world where you were found,
But then I returned back to ground.

Then came the days of lasting rain,
And I went through a series of pain,
Then I disclosed the feelings I had,
And yes was what you had said.

Now it’s been 2 years since that day,
And this wait ought to pay,
Though, rains have come and yet again,
Distances between us have found no end.


Sitting by my study's window sill,
Looking at the paper I'm going to fill,
I realize the thing I'm writing about,
May be hell to some but heaven to me, no doubt.

Solitary confinement as I talk of it,
Is surely the place I'd like to sit,
The best place to discover yourself,
Without the need of mates to help.

Once inside it's ME Vs ME,
I think of life and what it wanted to be,
And when the argument comes to end,
I get the relation of time and sand.

Ecstasy is when I catch the root,
The pleasure of death is the ultimate loot,
It is the thing of single achieve,
Even after death there ought to be peace.